My name is Isaac VYIZIGIRO; I was born on 28th March 1997 in Katumba/Tanzania. In Tanzania we live as refugees because our parents left their country of Burundi because of a war that happened in Burundi in 1972. Even if we live in Tanzania, we had to come back in Burundi when our country seemed be in place, we came back in Burundi on 2009. In Tanzania, I was in Standard five: primary school. When we arrived in Burundi I had to continue with my studies but the bad thing happened when I arrived at school they forced me to begin in standard one. I never agreed to start with one so I preferred to abandon studies. In Tanzania we studied English and Kiswahili but In Burundi they study in French and Kirundi it’s why they needed me to begin in standard one. The wonderful and good thing happened at that time when I seemed to abandon studies; the AJMPD ( Association in the cooperación with the Churches of Delft: Foundation EJO BURUNDI) came in order to teach us French and Kirundi. After that course I continue my studies in the secondary school whose nace was LIGHT DELFT COLLEGE but now it is called ‘ COMPLEXE SCOLAIRE LUMIERE DELFT’. God was with me as HE is with me now, I did nation test on 2015 in Burundi after succeed it, I was transferred at High school called Rumonge lycee I studied there one year only, by the help of Col. NDIHO Bernard (Representatif legal of AJMPD), the secind year I went at another High School named Scherpers Lycee there I studied two year, after I passed another national exam who was the key to begin the University, in all those way I passed through I was under the help of FOUNDATION EJO BURUNDI. After one year studying the faculty of medicine in Burundi, Col Bernard NDIHO helped me to get a scholaship through my country of Burundi but the problem was that I had to travel from Burundi to Cuba with my own ticket it means, my country didn’t payed for me even 1USD they only signed and gave me a permission to go abroad, at that time the same FOUNDATION EJO BURUNDI took