

Dear readers,

youth is the driving force of any development of a country, it is enough that its potentialities are channeled and made profitable by development actors. It is in this perspective that the Association for Youth in Mission of Peace through Development “YAPMD” in acronym has focused on the supervision and training of Burundian youth in order to equip them to develop their country which has gone through so many very difficult times in its history.

The YAPMD is convinced that the only way to have lasting peace is to create a favorable environment where young people are engaged in different development sectors, after having benefited from quality education and training adapted first to the country context and regionally or even internationally competitive.

The YAPMD was approved by Ministerial Ordinance No. 530/048 of 17/01/2005. We have set up this Association in order to contribute actively to the integral and integrated development of our beautiful country, Burundi.

Our first action was to integrate more than 400 young students into the Burundian education system, born to refugee parents in the United Republic of Tanzania and having evolved in the English-speaking system. Thus, in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education, we had set up a linguistic and cultural integration center (CILC) in Rumonge, Gatete zone, Busebwa local administrative entity.

The goal pursued by this linguistic and cultural integration center consisted mainly in the supervision and upgrading of young students repatriated from English-speaking countries in order to prepare them to be able to integrate and adapt to the Burundian education system, which aims to be French-speaking.

Thus, after their training in the Center for Linguistic and Cultural Integration, the students continued their studies in colleges and primary schools in Burundi. In this context, the Collège Lumière Delft (CLD) was created to contribute to the follow-up and supervision of pupils who had completed the primary level.

With the new Burundian education system, the YAPMD has created the Complexe Scolaire Lumière Delft (CSLD) which is located in the Gatete area, Province and Commune RUMONGE. The choice of the RUMONGE Commune was motivated by the fact that this Commune had been seriously bereaved by the unfortunate events of 1972. It therefore knew many exiles and also recorded numerous returnees with peace regained.

At the Complexe Scolaire Lumière Delft (CSLD), we are committed to providing quality teaching and flawless education, in order to promote dynamic youth who are enamored with the values of peace, patriotism and the development of our dear Nation.

One of the fruits of our efforts is a student who, after successfully completing the refresher training we offered, is currently pursuing his medical studies in Cuba.

We also supervise our young people in sports activities on the grounds of the Lumière Delft School Complex because we campaign for young people who excel in all areas of national life. Thus, the AJMPD intervenes specifically in the fields of education, health, environment, agriculture, livestock, sport and leadership training.

This website in front of you therefore comes at the right time, because it will undoubtedly be a privileged space and a framework for exchanging information on our activities. We will be very happy to receive your especially constructive comments on our achievements and your technical, financial and other support to promote the development of our young people.
I cannot finish this word without thanking our traditional partners, in particular the Churches of Delft in the Netherlands, the EJO-Burundi Foundation and all the friends of the AJMPD.

God bless you !!!

Colonel NDIHO Bernard.

À Propos de Nous

Notre Vision

La vision d’AJMPD est de bâtir un Burundi paisible et développé.

Notre Mission

L’Association pour la Jeunesse en Mission de Paix par le Développement  a pour mission d’encadrer la jeunesse en vue de promouvoir la Paix et le développement durable.

Nos Objectifs

  • Contribuer à garantir aux générations futures les meilleures conditions d’existence dans la paix et le développement durable.
  • Promouvoir la paix, la justice sociale et le sens d’un leadership communautaire responsable pour tous en soutenant la participation active de la jeunesse et de la femme dans les cercles de prise de décisions à tous les niveaux et dans tous les secteurs de la vie ;
  • Assurer une éducation de qualité pour tous, filles et garçons et un apprentissage efficace tout au long de la vie à tous les niveaux ;
  • Combattre la faim en assurant la sécurité alimentaire et améliorer la nutrition par la promotion de l’agriculture durable et la production industrielle de poissons d’aquaculture ainsi que la sylviculture ;
  • Assurer une gestion durable de l’environnement comme une contribution efficace contre les réchauffements climatiques ;
  • Garantir une bonne santé pour tous en assurant l’accès à l’eau potable, à l’assainissement et l’hygiène en vue du bien être pour tous.
  • Contribuer à la bonne gouvernance et au développement durable.